Roof Damage | How 4 Seasons Damage Your Roof
Oct 15, 2021

Created by Microhound

As a premiere and seasoned Roofing Contractor in Charlotte NC,

we always want to share some nuggets of information on how to maintain roofs. Whether if you own a commercial roofing or residential roofing, the changing seasons can still torture and damage your property.

We understand that your home is one of the biggest investments you can make. It doesn’t just add aesthetic value to your home, but more importantly, it provides protection and safety for your family and belongings.

Imagine the ruthless storms, strong winds, heavy snow and intense heat that your roof absorbs year in and year out. It makes you wonder how strong your roof should be to withstand all these “torturous” elements every season.

Or maybe, the right question should be, “Are you sure that your roof is durable enough to withstand all these elements?”


Extreme heat caused by sunlight and UV Rays, especially during summer, can quickly deteriorate Shingles. The temperature in the attic can be around 65% warmer than the temperature outdoors. This is according to the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA).

Imagine the temperature in your attic or crawl space reaches 65 degrees (Celcius). If we combine this with a scorching 77 degrees (Celcius) on your roof top — your shingles will surely deteriorate and become brittle.

The moment your shingles become brittle, it will then have cracks. This will obviously become a cause for roof leaks, especially when storms start coming in. All these can happen in one Summer. How much more if you haven’t had a roof inspection for years?


Strong winds and bursts of heavy rain during these seasons can also cause damage to your roof. During autumn, debris like dried leaves and sometimes even branches can cause problems as well.

The strong winds can just tear off a part of the roof from your home. Heavy rain will then pass through the damage part which can then damage the attic and ceiling.

Hail Storm is one of the most destructive elements that can hit your roof. Marble-sized hailstones typically fall to the Earth at around 20 mph, while baseball-sized hailstones can reach speeds of more than 100 mph.

This will definitely cause dents or cracks to asphalts, flashings or vents.


In North Carolina, we get an average of 4 inches of snow per year. It’s not that alarming compared to other states like Alaska, North Dakota, Maine, Minnesota. So we don’t really need to worry too much about the weight of the snow piling up on the roof of North Carolina households. 

However, it’s still a good idea to make sure that your roof can withstand at least double or triple the weight of snow in your area. There are also other factors that can torture and damage your roof during winter. 

Ice Damming (according to the University of Minnesota Extension) is “a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow (water) from draining off the roof. The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into a home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation and roofs.”

Ice Damming can also cause excessive condensation on your attic ceiling (Attic Condensation). Even minor amounts of moisture build-up can lead to both wood rot and mold. This usually leads to roof damage from the inside out. 

Regardless of the season, it’s always important to have an inspection of the exterior of your roof a few times a year (or once before a new season starts). Look for any crack, missing, loose, or torn shingles around chimneys or vents. 
For residential roofing, it’s best to look for signs of mold, rot, or moisture. Cleaning the gutter atleast once a year is also a must, to prevent water from backing up and affecting the foundation. If you need professional roofing assistance, Shingles Roof Direct is always here to serve you.

Oct 15, 2021

Created by Microhound